African Impact Scholarship Winner 2016

Thursday, May 26, 2016

African Impact is a multi-award winning volunteer travel organization that runs and manages meaningful and responsible volunteer experiences, service placements and internship programs throughout Africa.  The organization was founded in 2004 in Zimbabwe and since then has grown into the African leaders in volunteer tourism, having facilitated over 12,000 volunteers and interns in 12 countries across the continent. 

African Impact offers fun, safe and structured placements where volunteers understand their contribution to responsible projects that are run in partnership with local communities and conservation efforts. Through this scholarship African, Impact is covering the costs for an NSHSS member to attend a 4-week Healthcare Project program in St. Lucia, South Africa.

Nerissa Mei Damasco, Chula Vista, CA

University of California-San Diego

Upon viewing Emma Watson’s “He For She” campaign speech at the United Nations, Nerissa became more aware of gender inequality. Since then, she has informed nearly everyone she encounters about the prevalence of gender inequality throughout the world. Nerissa will attend African Impact’s four-week Healthcare Project program in St. Lucia, South Africa, and promote girl empowerment and gender inequality as she attends to medical needs. She looks forward to relishing in South Africa’s culture, history, and wildlife. Nerissa is a member of The National Society of Leadership and Success. She also volunteers at her church, and she is a mentor at La Clase Magica, an organization serving underserved adults and children.

About NSHSS Scholarships

NSHSS works to continuously provide scholarship opportunities to our members to defray the costs associated with college and life-changing educational programs. A variety of scholarships are available for high school students to support college tuition at the accredited college or university of the member’s choosing, study abroad programs and special leadership and skills development programs through NSHSS partners

College members also have access to scholarships to further support their collegiate studies, as well as opportunities to attend exclusive conferences such as Clinton Global Initiative University and the annual Nobel Prize week festivities in Stockholm, Sweden.