Choosing the Right Student Loan: A Comprehensive Guide for 2024

Monday, June 17, 2024
Piggybankwithgradcap 2024

At College Aid Pro (CAP), we are dedicated to empowering families with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the complexities of financing higher education and minimizing student debt. While our ultimate goal is to eliminate the need for loans altogether, we recognize that this may not always be feasible. This guide is designed to equip you with essential information on selecting the best student loan for your needs in 2024.

Understanding Student Loans

The cost of college tuition continues to rise, necessitating careful consideration of financing options beyond scholarships and grants, which often do not cover all expenses. Many families turn to student loans to bridge the gap.

Types of Student Loans

There are various student loan options available, each with specific terms and conditions. Federal loans, including the Parent PLUS loan and private loans from different lenders, are among the primary choices.

CAP’s Recommendation

We strongly advise starting with the Federal Direct Student Loan (FDSL) for students. Unlike other loans, the FDSL does not require a parental co-signer and remains solely in the student's name. However, it has a capped borrowing limit of $27,000 over four years ($5,500 Freshman year, $6,500 Sophomore year, $7,500 Junior year, $7,500 Senior year). If additional funding is needed beyond this limit, families may need to explore alternative student loan options.

Our Approach

At CAP, we do not advocate for specific lenders. While our ideal scenario involves avoiding loans altogether, we prioritize ensuring that families thoroughly understand the rates, rules, fees, and repayment plans associated with any loans they consider.

View the steps in the full article here

Originally published on College Aid Pro's website and republished for NSHSS with the author's consent.