What’s the Meaning of NSHSS? 7 Reasons Why Honor Students Join NSHSS

Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Why Students Join Nshss

At its most basic level, the National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) is an academic honor society that recognizes and serves scholars from more than 26,000 high schools across 170 different countries. 

Since it began in 2002, 2 million members have enjoyed the benefits of the NSHSS organization. 

Because NSHSS both attracts and rewards academic success, the types of members who are especially drawn to NSHSS are high-achieving. 

Why do honor students join NSHSS? Well, here are seven of the most common reasons.

1. NSHSS recognizes excellence.

As an honor society, NSHSS seeks to work with and support students who demonstrate excellence in academics in a variety of categories. However, students who join also have the opportunity to learn and grow into their future excellence. In fact, in order to gain membership, students must meet any one of the following criteria, demonstrating their commitment to academics:

  • 3.5 Cumulative GPA (4.0 scale) or higher (or equivalent, such as 88 on a 100-point scale)
  • 1280+ SAT score
  • 1150+ PSAT score
  • 26+ ACT score
  • 4+ score on any AP exam
  • Total combined IB test scores of 36 or higher
  • Top 10% class rank

Since NSHSS recognizes excellence in students, talented and dedicated students also seek to become part of NSHSS. Once they join, students are then part of a network of peers who are as committed to academics, creating a community of achievement. 

As a way to recognize excellence, NSHSS also offers scholarship opportunities to which students can apply. These scholarships help students pay for college, attend study abroad programs, and more. In fact, NSHSS awards more than $2.5 million in college scholarships each year.

2. NSHSS offers opportunities to practice leadership.

Honor students tend to not only wish to succeed in their own studies but also learn more about how they can help others shine by becoming leaders in their schools and communities.

That’s why NSHSS offers leadership programs to help members learn more about and practice their own leadership skills. 

In fact, the ambassador, fellow, and student council programs provide members with opportunities to affect change in their communities and practice their ability to lead peers toward a common goal. Students and alumni involved in these programs help represent NSHSS, connect with fellow members, and spread the mission of NSHSS around the world.

3. NSHSS is diverse and inclusive.

Since NSHSS prides itself on an objective membership process, the organization is able to draw from a broad and diverse pool of students. 

Educators and educator networks help NSHSS identify students not only in the United States but also around the world who qualify for membership.

Since students get to collaborate with each other through academic competitions, national events for members and their families, networking, and volunteer activities, students have the chance to learn about their fellow members who come from all different backgrounds and cultures.

4. NSHSS provides valuable tips and advice.

NSHSS ensures members have access to resources with guidance around high school, college, and beyond through its blog and website, including the tips and advice page for applying to scholarships.

As an honor society, NSHSS is committed to arming students with information so that they can succeed in all areas of their academic lives. Advice students can gain from the organization includes tips on strategizing high school courses and activities, applying to colleges and universities, thriving as a freshman in college, and networking with professionals. 

5. NSHSS creates networking opportunities.

Members of NSHSS also get opportunities to network with educators, professionals, and fellow scholars through special events, career fairs, and even college tours. 

NSHSS members have been able to meet fellow collaborators at events as well as future employers. These opportunities allow students to gain more experience networking and make connections they can foster for years to come.

6. NSHSS helps students navigate their academic careers.

NSHSS is not just an honor society but is also a resource for students seeking to navigate academic careers, from high school to college, grad school, and into a professional life. 

Rather than only focusing on helping students to grow and learn in high school, NSHSS provides resources for students applying to college and graduate schools, seeking study abroad programs, and hoping to gain leadership and volunteer experience. 

NSHSS is about helping students find out who they are as both students and human beings and then share their gifts with the rest of the world.

7. NSHSS memberships last a lifetime.

Being a member of NSHSS means being a member for life. NSHSS only asks for one $90 fee for a lifetime’s worth of networking, resources, and leadership opportunities. Since NSHSS guides students through every step of their educational journey, the NSHSS community is strong, lasting way beyond academic life. 

Students who join NSHSS in high school have the chance to remain an active member throughout college and beyond–even joining leadership programs after graduation. Moreover, educators have access to resources through NSHSS as well, and can apply for grants to further their mission of teaching today’s students for tomorrow’s challenges. 

NSHSS cares about its members and wants them to feel supported as they strive for excellence, leadership, and contribution throughout their lives!