NSHSS Students Can Win A Year At A Canadian Boarding School

The National Society of High School Scholars is proud to renew its partnership with St. Michaels University School to share the opportunity to attend this Canadian boarding school to NSHSS members through an exciting scholarship contest.
The Best School Year Ever® scholarship contest is your chance to win a full or partial tuition scholarship to live and learn at St. Michaels University School, one of Canada’s top-ranked boarding high schools. Open to students entering Grades 8-12 in the 2021-22 school year, the grand prize is a $65,000 Cdn scholarship (a full year’s tuition and board) and the finalist prize is a $45,000 Cdn scholarship.
St. Michaels University School is in Victoria, British Columbia. With more than 110 years of experience in offering education, the school is a co-educational, independent day and boarding school. It features Canada’s most established Advanced Placement (AP) programs with 27 classes to choose from, as well as extensive outdoor education, extracurricular, and arts opportunities.
The Best School Year Ever® is accepting entries until December 6, 2020. Find out more about the contest and how to enter at www.bestschoolyearever.ca. Learn more about St. Michaels University School at www.smus.ca.