University of Hong Kong: A Dialogue with Mr. Nobel

On Saturday, March 26, 2017, The National Society of High School Scholars, along with NSHSS Collaborating university partner The University of Hong Kong, hosted the first member event of the year. This event brought together over 200 high-achieving Hong Kong high school students to hear about opportunities within the United States for college preparation and scholarship funding. Co-Founder and Chairman of NSHSS Mr. Claes Nobel shared with the student his message of universal peace and asked them to to be good stewards of the earth. James Lewis, Co-Founder and President of NSHSS, provided an overview of NSHSS and shared scholarship opportunities for Hong Kong students wanting to study abroad in the United States. Advice was also given to students from Alumni members of The University of Hong Kong on tips and tools for success while in college.
Click here for an article about the event published in Headline, a local paper in Hong Kong